One of the aspects of computer security mostly neglected or ignored is the browser security.
Most users tend to neglect or ignore this important feature of securing their system from malware being run on their system when they inadvertently visit a bad site and click scrupulous links thinking them to be safe. And let the malicious software’s intrude your system, the actions a wary user can avoid.
This is a news story I followed this morning and this should be an eye opener, how an unsuspecting consumer is led to click on malicious links and rogue anti-virus software’s getting installed onto your system without you knowing the veracity of the rogue software.
This is a news story I followed this morning and this should be an eye opener, how an unsuspecting consumer is led to click on malicious links and rogue anti-virus software’s getting installed onto your system without you knowing the veracity of the rogue software.
The big part of the problem is removal, it is hard to get them removed from your system once you have installed them. So protection is better than cure here too.
Check the authenticity of the security software you are downloading from the web.
One thing you will notice when visiting a website, you come across many other third party sites. Some times these third party sites are vulnerable and can pose a security risk to your system.
One thing a user should keep in mind when visiting a website, that the browser and the network are giving out information to the host. Like the IP address, the type of browser you are using, and other details, as most of us know this fact. So is akin walking onto an open street.
Besides this, our system also shares a level of security when visiting a host. That you allow a host to place a cookie on to your system and run scripts. You can simultaneously block these options. Why ? We will look into the reasons ahead in the next post Browser Security 2.
For Further Reading :
Browser Security Esssentials Part 2
Broswer Security Essentials Part 3
Browser Security Essentials Part 4
For Further Reading :
Browser Security Esssentials Part 2
Broswer Security Essentials Part 3
Browser Security Essentials Part 4
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